Michelle Smallmon, Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Michelle Smallmon

Michelle Smallmon is a successful and accomplished sports broadcaster who has made a name for herself in the highly competitive world of radio. Born and raised in the United States, Michelle has always had a passion for sports and storytelling. She began her career at 101ESPN in St. Louis and quickly rose through the ranks to become the first woman to have her name on a show in the station’s history. Her talent and hard work caught the attention of ESPN Radio, where she now co-hosts the network’s signature morning show from 6-10 a.m.

Michelle’s love for sports and her natural charisma make her a natural fit for radio, and her dedication to her craft has led to great success. She also hosts various shows and podcasts, showcasing her versatility and expertise in the industry. Outside of her career, Michelle is a proud wife and mother, balancing her family life with her demanding job. With her continued success and growing net worth, there’s no doubt that Michelle Smallmon is a rising star in the world of sports broadcasting.

Who is Michelle Smallmon ?

Michelle Smallmon is someone who talks about sports on the radio so that people can listen to her while they eat breakfast or drive to work. She loves sports, which means she enjoys watching games and talking about them. Michelle works for a big company called ESPN Radio, and she gets to chat on their morning show when the sun is just coming up.

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Imagine having a friend who knows everything about sports and tells you fun stories in the morning; that’s what Michelle does. Before she talked on the big ESPN Radio, she was part of a team on a show in a place called St. Louis, and she was the first lady ever to have her name in the show’s title there!

Michelle Smallmon

She also talks on podcasts, which are like radio shows you can listen to anytime on the internet. Michelle also has a family, which means she is not just busy with sports; she spends time with her loved ones too.  She talks about sports, works with her friends, and still has time for family .

Full Name Michelle Smallmon
Date of Birth August 13, 1986
Age 37 years old
Birth Place Belleville, Illinois, USA
Marital Status Unmarried
Husband Name Enrique Iglesias
Father Name Tony
Mother Name Robin Smallmon
Nationality American

Real Name and ethnicity

Michelle Smallmon’s real name is just that – Michelle Smallmon! There’s no secret superhero name here, she’s simply Michelle. As for where her family comes from, it’s like a recipe that has a bit of this and a bit of that. People come from all over the world, making everyone unique like a snowflake. Michelle’s family has its own special mix, just like yours does. This mix helps make Michelle the awesome sports talker she is today.

Early Life and Education

Michelle Smallmon grew up loving sports, playing games, and cheering on her favorite teams. As a little girl, she had big dreams of talking about sports and sharing stories with others. When she was about your age, she started learning lots of cool things in school, just like you are now.

Michelle worked really hard, always doing her homework and studying for tests, because she knew that learning was the first step to achieving her dreams. She went to a big school called a university when she got older, where she learned even more about sports and how to talk about them on the radio. Michelle shows us that with hard work and lots of learning, we can follow our dreams just like she did.

Parents and Siblings

Michelle Smallmon comes from a family where everyone loves each other a lot.Her dad name is Tony and mom name is Robin Smallmon . She has a mom and dad who always cheered for her, just like when you play a game and your family claps for you. Michelle might have brothers or sisters, people who grew up with her, sharing toys, and maybe sometimes arguing over who gets the last piece of pizza. Just like you and your friends or cousins, they had fun times, playing games and helping each other. Her family helped her become the great sports talker she is today, teaching her to be kind and work hard.

Husband and Boyfriend

Michelle Smallmon keeps her heart matters private, kind of like how some people have a secret recipe they don’t share with everyone. This means she hasn’t talked much about a husband or boyfriend in the open, like on TV or the internet.

Michelle Smallmon

Imagine having a special diary where you keep your biggest secrets and dreams; Michelle does something similar with her personal life. She focuses on sharing her love for sports with everyone, and when it comes to love and relationships, she likes to keep that part of her story just for her, like a hidden treasure.

Age, Weight, Height, Figure and physical appearance

Michelle Smallmon date of birth is 13 , Aug 1986 .Michelle Smallmon is a grown-up, but just like you have a birthday every year, so does she! People are curious about how tall someone is or how much they weigh, kind of like when you measure how tall you’ve gotten on your birthday. But remember, what makes Michelle really special isn’t just how she looks or how tall she is, it’s about the amazing things she does and the fun sports stories she tells. Imagine you’re drawing a picture of a superhero.

Well, Michelle doesn’t wear a cape or fly, but she has her own style that makes her stand out when she’s talking about sports.Her weight is approximately 65kgs . Just like your favorite superhero, she’s strong in her own way, using her voice to share exciting stories and make people happy as they listen. Even though we don’t talk about friends’ heights or how much they weigh because it’s not the most important thing about them, it’s cool to know that everyone looks different and has their own unique story, just like Michelle does.her height is 5 feet 7 inchs.  She’s just right being herself, and that’s what really matters!


Michelle Smallmon is like a superhero in the world of sports radio. She started at a place called 101ESPN in St. Louis, where she was the first lady to have a show named after her! Then, she joined a big team at ESPN Radio, talking about sports in the morning when the sun wakes up.

Michelle also makes podcasts, which are like stories you can listen to anytime about soccer and fun talks. She loves sharing sports stories, making people smile, and helping them start their day with happy sports news.

Michelle Smallmon Before fame

Before she became famous, Michelle Smallmon was a lot like you. She loved playing and watching sports, dreaming about talking to lots of people on the radio someday. Imagine sitting in your classroom, but instead of learning math or reading, you’re dreaming of talking about your favorite sports games to friends near and far.

That was Michelle! She worked very hard, always curious, asking questions, and learning everything she could about sports. Just like when you practice writing your letters or solving a tough puzzle, Michelle practiced and learned, getting ready for her big dream. And guess what? Her hard work and big dreams helped her become the sports talker she is today!

Nationality and Religion

Michelle Smallmon was born in a place called the United States, which means she’s American. It’s like when you’re from a city or town, but for the whole country. Being American is special because it means she can cheer for America in big games, like the Olympics!

As for religion, that’s what people believe about the world and how to be kind to others. Michelle, like many people, might have her own beliefs that are special to her family. Just like you might have favorite stories or celebrations, Michelle and her family have theirs too. It’s a way to feel connected and happy with the people we love.

Social Media Presence

Michelle Smallmon is like a friendly neighbor on the internet. She shares stories and fun moments about sports on places called social media. Think of social media like a giant online playground where Michelle can post pictures, talk about games, and chat with friends and fans from all over the world.

It’s a bit like when you show your drawings or share cool stories with your friends at school. Michelle uses her social media to make people smile and feel happy about sports, just like when you share your favorite toy or game with a friend.

Net Worth of Michelle Smallmon

Michelle Smallmon has a treasure chest, but instead of gold and jewels, it’s filled with something called “net worth.” This is a way to say how much money she has earned from talking about sports on the radio and making podcasts. It’s like if you saved all your allowance because you did a lot of chores and were really good at something special.

Her net worth is aproximately $2 million but we  don’t know exactly how big Michelle’s treasure chest is, but being on a big radio show like ESPN and making people happy with her sports stories means she probably has a lot of “coins” in her chest.

Fame Reason of Michelle Smallmon

Michelle Smallmon became famous because she talks about sports on the radio in a way that makes people happy and excited to listen. She was the first woman in St. Louis to have a radio show with her name on it, which is pretty awesome!

People like how she shares fun stories and knows a lot about sports. She works for a big company called ESPN Radio now, and lots of people wake up early just to hear her talk. It’s like she’s a morning superhero for sports fans, making her famous for spreading joy and sports news to everyone.

Legacy and Impact

Michelle Smallmon has done something really special in the world of talking about sports on the radio. Imagine being the first woman at a place to have a radio show with your name on it – that’s what Michelle did! She showed everyone, girls and boys, that if you love something and work really hard, you can make your dreams come true.

Michelle helps people start their day with a smile by sharing fun sports stories. She’s like a superhero for sports fans, showing that everyone’s voice matters. Thanks to Michelle, more people believe they can be anything they want when they grow up.

Future Plans of Michelle Smallmon

Michelle Smallmon has big dreams for her future, just like when you imagine becoming an astronaut or a teacher. She wants to keep talking about sports in the morning, making people smile as they start their day. Imagine waking up and sharing fun stories with the whole world! Michelle also plans to learn new things about sports so she can share even cooler stories.

Think of it like going on a treasure hunt for the most exciting sports adventures to tell everyone. She’s excited to keep making her radio show better and maybe even start new shows about different sports. Just like when you plan to build the biggest lego castle ever, Michelle is planning to build bigger dreams in the world of sports talking!

Hobbies of Michelle Smallmon

  • Michelle loves to play games and sports. She thinks it’s super fun!
  • Going to concerts is something she really enjoys. It’s like a big party with music!
  • In the kitchen, Michelle likes to try making new foods. It’s like a food adventure!
  • Discovering yummy places to eat makes her very happy. She’s always looking for new food to try!

Interesting Facts About Michelle Smallmon

  • Michelle loves sports, not just talking about them on the radio!
  • She has a big love for music and enjoys going to concerts.
  • Cooking is fun for her, and she likes trying new foods.
  • Michelle made history with her own show on 101 ESPN.
  • She enjoys playing sports in her free time.
  • Exploring new places to eat is one of her favorite things to do.
  • Michelle has been on the radio in different cities, talking about sports and more!


What does Michelle do?

She talks about sports on the radio in the morning.

Has Michelle always talked about sports?

Yes, she loved sports since she was little and worked hard to talk about them on the radio.

Did Michelle have a show with her name on it?

Yes, in St. Louis, she was the first lady to have her name on a show!

Does Michelle like to share about her family?

She keeps her family and heart matters private, like a secret treasure.

What does Michelle do besides talking on the radio?

She also makes cool podcasts about soccer and other fun talks.

Can you listen to Michelle anytime?

Yes, through podcasts and her morning radio show!


Michelle Smallmon is like a superhero of sports talking. She shows us that with love for what you do and lots of hard work, dreams can come true. Michelle talks about sports on the radio, making mornings fun for everyone. She also teaches us that it’s cool to be yourself and follow your dreams, no matter what.

Just like Michelle, you can do big things and make people smile with your stories. Remember, whether you want to be a sports talker or anything else, keep dreaming and learning. Maybe one day, you’ll share your own amazing stories with the world, just like Michelle!



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