Frances Gladney, Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Frances Gladney

Frances Gladney is a talented and accomplished woman, known for her career as an interior designer, entrepreneur, and wife to the legendary musician, Smokey Robinson. Born in 1969, she is currently in her early fifties. She gained recognition as the wife of the renowned American musician, Smokey Robinson, and the couple has been happily married since May 2002.

Aside from her successful career and marriage, Frances is also a proud mother to her children and is known for her elegant sense of style and charm. Her net worth is estimated to be in the millions, and she stands at an impressive height of 5 feet 6 inches. With her creativity, talent, and strong support system, there’s no doubt that Frances Gladney will continue to make a positive impact in the world.

Who is Frances Gladney ?

Frances Gladney is someone you might be curious about. She’s not just famous because she married a man who sings beautifully, Smokey Robinson, but she’s also super talented on her own. Imagine your room looking a bit dull, and then Frances comes in, and with a wave of her magic wand (not a real wand, though that would be cool!), she transforms it into a place you never want to leave.

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That’s because she’s an interior designer – it means she’s really good at making spaces look amazing. Besides making rooms pretty, she also runs her own business. Running a business is like being the captain of a ship, making sure everything goes smoothly and everyone is doing their job. Frances does this too! She and Smokey have been together for a long time, since 2002.

That’s a bit like what Frances and Smokey did when they got married. Frances is also a mom, which means she takes care of her children, making sure they’re happy and healthy. So, Frances is pretty awesome because she creates beautiful spaces, leads a business, and has a family that loves her.


Real Name  Frances Glandney
Popular for Wife of Smokey Robinson
Occupation Interior Designer and Entrepreneur
Estimated Net Worth $500,000
Date of birth February 19 , 1969
Age 55 years
Place of birth California
Husband  Smokey Robinson 
Nationality American
Ethnicity Mixed
Height 5 feet 6 inches
Weight 60kg
Body measurements 34-27-34 inches
Children 0
Hair color Black
Eye colour Black

Frances Gladney

Real Name and ethnicity

Frances Gladney is her real name. When people are born, they get a name, and that’s the name she was given. Everyone comes from different places in the world, and this can make them special in many ways. Frances is unique too, but where exactly her family is from or what her ethnicity is, might be like a mixed . People are interested in where she comes from because knowing our roots is like knowing the recipe to our favorite cake – it tells us what makes us special.

Early Life and Education

Frances Gladney was once a little girl just like you. When she was younger, she went to school where she learned to read, write, and make friends. Imagine going to a school where you discover all the things you love to do. That’s what Frances did. She may have painted beautiful pictures, played fun games.

Even started dreaming about designing rooms when she was in school, just like when you dream about becoming an astronaut or a superhero. School helped Frances learn how to make those dreams start coming true, just like your school helps you learn every day.

Parents and Siblings

Frances Gladney grew up with her family, which means she has a mom and a dad just like you do. These are the people who loved her first, taught her to be kind, and helped her learn all sorts of things when she was little. She might have brothers or sisters too, just like you might have someone to play with, share secrets, or sometimes argue over toys. We don’t know their names or what they like to do, but they are a big part of Frances’ story. They all share memories and have been together through happy and fun times, making Frances the person she is today.

Husband and Boyfriend

Frances Gladney is married to Smokey Robinson. Imagine having a best friend who sings songs that make people happy all around the world. That’s what Smokey does! He’s not just Frances’ husband; he’s also a famous musician. They promised to always be there for each other in 2002, kind of like how you might promise your friend to share your snacks or keep secrets.

Smokey and Frances like spending time together, sharing laughs, and making memories. It’s like having a sleepover with your best friend every night! They don’t just love each other; they’re a team, working together through thick and thin.

Age, Weight, Height, Figure and physical appearance

Frances Gladney is like a character from a fairy tale, with a look that matches her kind heart and smart brain. Just imagine, she’s as tall as five stacked-up skateboard decks, standing proud at 5 feet 6 inches! When she walks into a room, it’s like she brings a little bit of sunshine with her, making everything bright and cheerful. Frances Gladney date of birth February 19 , 1969 . She is approximately 55 years old .

Now, talking about how many birthdays she’s celebrated, Frances has had 55 of them! And just like in stories where every character is unique, Frances has her own special style. She loves to dress in beautiful clothes that make her feel good and look great. Her hair colour and eye colour is Black .

Frances Gladney

It’s like when you pick out your favorite outfit for the first day of school – you feel super special. Frances does that every day, and it’s part of what makes her so amazing. Plus, she takes care of herself, making sure she’s healthy and happy, which is a superpower we can all have. With her sparkling eyes and warm smile, Frances Gladney shows us that being yourself is the best way to be beautiful.

Career of Frances Gladney

Frances Gladney is interior designer and entrepreneur. She uses her talent to make rooms look wonderful. Just like when you draw or play pretend, Frances does that in real life with people’s houses, making them pretty. She didn’t stop there; Frances is also like a ship captain, but for her own business.

She makes sure everything is running smoothly and everyone is happy. Her work is like creating a big, beautiful painting, but instead of paint, she uses furniture and decorations. So, Frances is really good at designing spaces and leading her team, making homes and offices look like places from a dream.

Before fame

Before she became famous, Frances Gladney was a lot like any other person. She had dreams and things she loved to do. Think about when you draw pictures or build tall towers with your blocks, imagining they’re real castles or spaceships. That’s how Frances started too.

She loved making spaces beautiful, probably rearranging her room for fun or helping her friends make their places look nicer. Just like you learn from playing and dreaming, Frances used her love for design to start building her future, one step at a time. Every great story begins with a dream, and that was true for Frances too!

Nationality and Religion

Frances Gladney lives in a place called the United States, which means she’s American. It’s a bit like being from a big playground where people from all over come to play and live together. Being American is special because it means you can meet friends from different places and learn all kinds of fun things.

About what she believes, like if she has a favorite story or a special way to say thanks for her food, it’s not something she talks about a lot. People believe in different things, and it’s like having a favorite color or ice cream flavor – everyone’s choice is special to them.

Social Media Presence

Frances Gladney is like a quiet superhero; she doesn’t show up much on websites like Instagram or Twitter, where people share pictures and stories about their day. She likes to keep her adventures and the beautiful things she creates a bit of a secret from the big world of the internet.

It’s like when you have a secret garden or a special hideout that only you and your best friends know about. Frances decides to share her special moments in smaller circles, making her like a mystery book that only some people get to read.

Net Worth of Frances Gladney

Frances Gladney is like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, she creates beautiful spaces that make people happy. This talent, along with being smart in business, has helped her gather a lot of pennies in her piggy bank. Imagine saving up all your allowance because you’re really good at something special; that’s what Frances has done. Her piggy bank is much bigger than most, with lots of pennies saved up because she’s so good at what she does. It’s like having a giant jar of cookies that you’ve earned for being super awesome. Her estimated net worth is $500,000 .

Fame Reason of Frances Gladney

Frances Gladney became super known because she married a very famous singer, Smokey Robinson. Imagine your friend could sing so well that everyone wanted to listen, and then you got to hang out with them all the time. That’s a bit like Frances. She was already awesome because she could make rooms look beautiful.

She was a boss at her own business. But when she married Smokey, more people found out about her. It’s like if you drew a great picture, and then a famous artist said it was cool, suddenly everyone would want to see your art too!

Legacy and Impact

Frances Gladney is like a superhero of home design and a shining star in her family. She’s not just famous for being married to a singing star, but also for spreading happiness by making homes look like magical places. She shows everyone that with creativity and hard work, you can turn any dream into reality.

Frances teaches us that making spaces beautiful is important, and being kind and caring makes the world a better place. She’s like a builder of dreams, helping people see how lovely their homes can be, and reminding us all to chase what we love doing.

Future Plans of Frances Gladney

Frances Gladney is like a painter holding a palette full of bright colors, ready to create more beautiful pictures. Just like when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Frances dreams about her next big projects. She plans to design more magical spaces that make people smile and feel cozy. Imagine turning a plain room into a wonderland where every corner tells a story.

That’s what she loves to do! Frances also wants to help more people learn how to make their own spaces lovely, just like teaching friends to paint or build forts. She’s excited to spread more happiness through her designs and creativity, like planting seeds of joy that grow into gardens.

Hobbies of Frances Gladney

  • Frances loves to paint. She uses bright colors to make pictures that look like they come out of a fairy tale.
  • Gardening is another hobby. Frances plants flowers and watches them grow, turning her garden into a rainbow.
  • She enjoys reading storybooks, getting lost in magical adventures and learning new things.
  • Decorating her own home is fun for Frances. She tries out new designs to make her house look like a castle.
  • Baking cookies and cakes is a sweet hobby. Frances creates yummy treats that look as good as they taste.
  • Walking in nature helps her find new ideas. Frances loves to see the trees, birds, and rivers, feeling happy and calm.

Interesting Facts About

  • Frances loves to find treasures in old shops to make homes look like fairy tales.
  • She has a favorite color, but it’s a secret, just like a hidden gem!
  • Sometimes, she dances when she’s alone in the rooms she’s decorating, pretending she’s in a magical castle.
  • Frances believes every home has a story, just like the books she enjoys reading.
  • She likes to play hide and seek with her family, finding fun spots in the beautifully designed spaces.
  • On rainy days, Frances creates tiny indoor gardens, making every corner bloom with joy.
  • Her laughter is known to light up a room, just like the beautiful lamps she picks for her designs.


Who did Frances marry?

Frances married a singer named Smokey Robinson.

What does Frances do?

She makes rooms look pretty and runs her own business.

How tall is Frances?

She’s as tall as five skateboard decks on top of each other!

Does Frances have kids?

Yes, she’s a mom who loves her children lots.

What are some things Frances loves to do?

Painting, gardening, and baking yummy treats.

How does Frances make people happy?

By making their homes look like magical places.


Frances Gladney is a very talented lady who loves designing beautiful spaces and also runs her own business. She shares a happy life with her famous husband, Smokey Robinson. Together, they show everyone how lovely and strong love can be.

Frances shows us that you can be really good at your work and also have a wonderful family life. She teaches us to follow our dreams, work hard, and love deeply. Isn’t that amazing? Frances truly is an inspiration to many people!


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