Hermann Nicoli Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Hermann Nicoli

Hermann Nicoli is a well-known Brazilian model who has captured the hearts of many with his charming looks and impressive career. He was born on July 8, 1982, in Brazil and grew up alongside his two siblings, Gabi and Sabrina. While not much is known about his early life and education. Hermann rose to fame when he met and fell in love with Victoria’s Secret model Candice Swanepoel at a fashion event in Paris back in 2005.

The couple got engaged in 2015 and have since welcomed two beautiful sons, Anacan and Ariel. Despite being a private person, Hermann occasionally shares photos of his family on social media, giving fans a glimpse into their loving and happy life together. With his successful modelling career and loving family, Hermann Nicoli’s net worth and height may be impressive. Still, it’s his warm personality and strong family bond that truly makes him stand out.

How is Hermann Nicoli?

Hermann Nicoli is a man who comes from Brazil, a big and beautiful country entire of colors and music. He’s someone many people look up to because he is a model – that means he gets to wear cool clothes and pose for pictures that many of us see in magazines or on the internet. Hermann has a big smile and is very tall, which helps him be a good model. He also loves spending time with his family.

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He has an extraordinary friend, Candice, who is also a model, and they have two adorable kids. They all enjoy sharing little bits of their life online, like when they go on adventures or have fun at home. Hermann is known for being really kind and for loving his family a lot. Even though he is famous and many people know who he is, he tries to keep some things just for himself and his family, which is really cool.

Bio Wiki/

Date of birth July 8, 1982
Net worth Aproximately $3 Million
Gender Male
Height 6 feet I inches
Weight Round about 80kg
Status Engaged
Age 42 years old

Hermann Nicoli

Hermann Nicoli’s Early Life and Education

Hermann Nicoli grew up in a sunny place called Brazil, which is a big country far away from where snow falls. It’s a land where people love to dance and play soccer. Hermann was a little boy, just like any other, playing and learning new things every day. He has a sister named Gabi and another sister named Sabrina, and together, they have a lot of fun times.

Imagine playing hide and seek with your brothers or sisters; that’s what Hermann probably did, too! When Hermann was your age, he went to school just like you. School is a place where kids learn about numbers, letters, and all sorts of interesting facts about the world.

We don’t know much about what Hermann liked to study, but he may have enjoyed drawing or running fast during playtime. Schools in Brazil are colourful and full of life, so Hermann’s days were likely filled with laughter and learning. Every day, he got a little bit taller and learned a bit more, getting ready for the adventures life had in store for him.

Parents and Siblings

Hermann Nicoli has a family just like you and me. He has two sisters, Gabi and Sabrina. They all grew up together, playing and having fun. Hermann’s mom and dad are unique to him, but we don’t know much about them. Just like how some of your friends might have secrets or surprise stories they haven’t shared, Hermann keeps his parents’ stories private. But it’s easy to imagine they all share lots of love and laughs, making beautiful memories together as a family.

Wife and Girlfriend

Hermann Nicoli has an extraordinary friend named Candice. They are more than just friends, though; Candice is like a princess from a fairy tale, and together, they’re like the king and queen of their happy world. They met a long, long time ago in a city full of lights and beautiful clothes called Paris.

It was like a scene from your favourite storybook, where two people meet and know they are meant to be together. Candice wears pretty dresses and walks on stage, just like a model in the stories, because she is one! After many adventures and lots of time spent getting to know each other, Hermann asked Candice to be his forever friend in 2015.

It was like the part in stories where there’s a big, happy celebration. They have two little princes, Anacan and Ariel, who fill their castle with laughter and joy. Just like in your favourite stories, they live happily, sharing their smiles and fun times with the world through pictures, like little windows into their fairy tale.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Hermann Nicoli is a tall and smiling man from Brazil. If you’ve ever seen a giraffe at the zoo, think of how tall they are – Hermann is not quite that tall, but for a person, he’s pretty close! He was born when the summer sun was scorching, on July 8, 1982. That makes him like a big brother or maybe even an uncle in terms of age if you’re seven years old.

Hermann Nicoli

Talking about how much he weighs is a bit like guessing how many apples are in a big bag without looking. It’s something adults might talk about, but it isn’t as fun as imagining him playing soccer or running on a beach. Hermann is powerful, too, which helps him in his job as a model, where he gets to wear fancy clothes and strike poses for pictures. He is 42 years old.

He has a very kind face with a smile that seems to light up rooms, just like a superhero from your favourite cartoons. Imagine the cool dude in stories with hair that looks just right, no matter what he’s doing. Hermann looks a bit like that – someone who steps right out of a storybook, ready for adventures with his family and friends. His height is 6 feet and 1 inch and weight is approximately 80kg

Hermann Nicoli Career

Hermann Nicoli works as a model, which means he gets to show off cool clothes by wearing them in front of cameras. Imagine if you could dress up in fancy outfits every day and have your photo taken like a star—that’s what Hermann does! He travels to different places, stands under bright lights, and smiles or poses so that people can capture how he looks in those outfits. It’s like playing dress-up but as a job. Hermann has been doing this for a long time and has become very good at it, making him a favourite for people who create fashion magazines and ads.

Hermann Nicoli Before Fame

Long before Hermann Nicoli became a model and met Candice, he was just like you, a kid with dreams and fun days. He played games, went to school, and spent time with his family in Brazil. Picture a young Hermann, running around in the sunshine, laughing with his sisters, and dreaming about the future. Even as a kid, Hermann had a sparkle in his eyes, telling the world he was ready for big adventures. Those adventures turned into reality as he grew up, leading him into the exciting world of fashion and modelling.

Social Media Presence

In the big world of the internet, Hermann Nicoli is like a quiet explorer who sometimes shares treasures from his adventures. He uses magical places called social media to let us peek into his world from time to time. Just like when you show your friends a cool drawing or a pretty rock you found, Hermann shows pictures of his fun times with his family, his travels, and sometimes his work as a model.

Imagine being able to share your favourite moments with people far away, like sending a message in a bottle across the sea. That’s what Hermann does with his social media. He doesn’t post every day, making each photo he shares as unique as finding a hidden gem.

His accounts are like secret gardens where he invites friends to see the beautiful flowers, which are moments of his life. Even though he’s a bit quiet online, the happiness in the pictures is loud and clear, just like the laughter you hear when playing with your friends.

Net Worth and Achievement

Hermann Nicoli is like a treasure hunter in the world of fashion. Imagine finding gold coins or shiny gems; that’s how Hermann feels when he does a great job modelling. Because he works so hard and poses for photos in fancy clothes, he has earned lots of gold coins, kind of like a pirate, but much more excellent and without a ship!

People say his treasure chest, or what adults call “net worth,” is pretty significant because he’s been a model for a long time. Hermann’s most significant treasure, though, isn’t coins or gems; it’s the fun adventures and happy times with his family and friends. His net worth is Aproximately $3 million.

Hermann Nicoli Legacy and Impact

Hermann Nicoli is like a superhero in the fashion world, making everyone smile with his pictures. Think of him as a storybook hero who shows us how to be kind, work hard, and love our families. Just like when you draw a picture and it makes someone happy, Hermann does that with his modelling and sharing happy moments with his family. He teaches us that the most important treasures aren’t things we can hold but the love and laughs we share with others. Hermann’s story is like a guiding star, showing us how to shine brightly in our adventures.

Hermann Nicoli Hobbies

  • Hermann loves exploring the outdoors, like a jungle adventurer searching for hidden treasures.
  • He enjoys playing soccer, running around, and kicking the ball, just like superheroes saving the day.
  • Taking pictures is another fun hobby; he captures moments like a wizard with a magic camera.
  • Hermann likes swimming in the ocean, pretending to be a friendly shark or a curious dolphin.
  • Cooking with his family turns him into a master chef, creating delicious spells in the kitchen.

Interesting facts about Hermann Nicoli

  • Hermann and Candice love adventures. They met in a city entire of lights, Paris, which sounds like something from a fairy tale!
  • They have two little boys, Anacan and Ariel, who fill their home with laughter, just like characters from your favourite stories.
  • Hermann is from Brazil, a place where people love to dance and play soccer. Imagine how fun that must be!
  • Even though he’s a famous model, Hermann loves simple things like playing soccer and spending time with his family.
  • Hermann and Candice’s love story sounds like a fairy tale, meeting in Paris and creating a happy family together.


What does Hermann Nicoli do?

Hermann is a model, which means he gets to wear cool clothes for pictures.

Who is Candice?

Candice is Hermann’s special friend, like a princess in a fairy tale, and they have two children.

Where is Hermann from?

He comes from Brazil, a place full of music and where people love to dance. –

What are Hermann’s hobbies?

He likes playing soccer, taking photos, and cooking yummy food with his family. –

Do Hermann and Candice have kids?

Yes, they have two boys named Anacan and Ariel, who make their home very happy.


Hermann Nicoli is like a character from a beautiful story who lives a big adventure every day. He’s a hero in the fashion world, shows us the magic of loving family, and teaches us to find joy in simple things like playing games and spending time with loved ones.

Hermann’s journey from a little boy in Brazil to a famous model is full of fun, smiles, and love. Remember, the best treasures in life aren’t things we can touch but the happy memories we make with our families and friends, just like Hermann does.


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